Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fun with Seven Grandkids!

We (Papa and I, Grandma Joan) enjoyed having Lynnette, Adam, Rich and Anne and all seven grandchildren over for a TACO LUNCH today. We ate on the patio. See the kids and Grandma Joan sitting at the kid-sized table?

Lesia, Luke, Kirsten, and Sam relaxed on the hammock while Annika and Max played the hammock-strings like a "harp." Then all the children went with Adam and Papa for a golf-cart ride and run beside the cart.

Adam and the girls made brownies for our desert and the boys brought ice cream, chocolate syrup and chocolate chip cookies. Then all the men helped clean up. We had a fun day.


RWJR said...

What a fun afternoon! Thank you so much - by the way.......FABULOUS job on the blog!

Joan C. Webb said...

Hey, thanks for your "comment", Rich!
Indeed, it was a FUN day.